A cooking and fitness fanatic.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Jump Start into Health & Wellness

So I'm sure you guys have heard (read) me mention that staying active has been a lifestyle of mine since I can remember. I know saying this might make people cringe but, yes, I actually like going to the gym and working out. Is it easy? No, heck no, because the reality is that time is very limited in most of everyone's days. It's not easy fitting in a workout on a regular basis when you are trying to balance a full time job among getting errands done, preparing and eating dinner, and trying to get off your feet for at least a half an hour before bed. At the same time, it's not impossible in fact, it's very doable.
Time has to be the number one excuse for not working out but it's definitely not the only thing holding people back. Truthfully, a workout can be done from home while watching TV or it can be a quick 10 minute cardio blast (jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, air squats, etc) before you get into the shower every day. So if we eliminate time as an excuse than maybe it's that you simply just don't enjoy working out. The trick to this is no trick at all, find a workout that you actually don't hate doing (zumba, kick boxing, swimming, biking – spinning). Once you start feelings stronger, I swear you’re going to want to continue getting stronger and reach outside your comfort zone. The Law of Physics (the main one I remember anyway) says that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. I can't even express how true this is!

See pictures below for some quick ways to boost your heart rate (60 seconds each)

Another thing to remember is to not get discouraged! If you’re just beginning to workout, don't expect weight to fly off your body. I always say that a healthy lifestyle happens as much in the kitchen as it does in the gym. Simple equation: Calories in – calories burned. Another tip is that it takes two weeks for your body to get accustomed so keep changing up your workouts to keep your body guessing. I personally add new moves to my work out on a daily basis. It's also very effective to do both cardio and weight lifting and even inter mix the two. You can do as many of those crunches as you want but, unless you do that cardio, no one is ever going to see those abs!
If you’re really, really, not into working out then take simple steps. Eat smaller portions and snack throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism going but won't give you the heavy feeling of a full meal. A great piece of advice is to eat the majority of your carbs earlier in the day so you have the entire day to burn them off. If you want to treat yourself and splurge, yes we all do it, it's far better to eat, let's say a cupcake, at lunch than right before bed (stick to the golden rule- don't eat within two hours of going to bed). Also, try and walk after eating. Get that digestive process going! So besides healthier eating habits, I'll go ahead and mentions the things that we've always heard. Walk whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride your bike, etc. If you don't do these things already then they really will make a difference however, don't forget that your body will get accustomed so try adding a few simple exercises every cycle.
So why am I writing all this? Well it's definitely an interest of mine and I like to help people get into and maintain a more active lifestyle. If you don't know how to work out, and pin point certain areas of your body, try finding someone who does and join in with them or... Youtube and Pinterest (two of my favorites) can be very helpful in discovering new moves and combinations. I'm not a certified personal trainer nor a nutritionist but I have done my research on health and wellness. These are things I practice on a daily basis so I'm able to see what really works and what keeps people in a rut.
Remember, if you’re afraid of the gym or trying something new, don't be! Everyone you see at the gym, at some point, had their “first day”. You have to start somewhere and sometime so make that  time now!

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